Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I want to take a moment, here at the end of the project and say thanks. This has truly been one of the greatest experiences of my life. Never have I seen so much cooperation, eagerness, and appreciation of a public art project from any community--not to mention a city office and council--as I have seen here in Conway.

On behalf of artists, students, teachers and art administrators everywhere, I wish to express my deepest gratitude and accolades for your candor and progressive attitude for the arts in Conway. This attitude is readily apparent in the new growth that I have seen in Conway since my 10-year absence, and I believe that it is this attitude that will continue to make this city prosper.

Again, thank you to

The UCA College of Fine Arts and Communication:

Dean Rollin Potter

Associate Dean Dr. Gayle Seymour

Mike Castens

Carol Griffith

Donna Stephens

Office of the Mayor:

Mayor Tab Townsell

Felicia Rogers

Jamie Gates

Conway City Council:

Andy Hawkins
David Grimes
Mark Vaught
Shelley Mehl
Jack Bell
Mary Smith
Theodore Jones, Jr.
Shelia Whitmore

Conway City Planning: Bryan Patrick

Conway Public Art Committee:

Becky Harris

Caroline Hansen

Barbara Satterfield

Bryan Patrick

Dr. Gayle Seymour

City of Conway Physical Plant: Tony Heffington and the gang

Conway Tree Board: Wes Craiglow, Chairman

The Conway Downtown Partnership:

Amy Reed

TJ Johnston

Mike's Place

American Management Corporation: David Grimes

The UCA Art Department:

Dr. Jeff Young, Dept. Chair

Stephanie Crain

Jennifer Rospert, Assistant Professor of Art

Carrie Dyer, Assistant Professor of Art

Sue Tebo, Slide Archivist

Dr. Deb Kuster, Assistant Professor of Art Education

Pat Larsen and Professor emeritus Gene Hatfield (who both gave me my start in public art)

UCA Students:

Ed Kowalsky
Tony Leopard
Melissa Marple
Lauren Crymes
Lauren Smith
Sarah Waller
Raelyn Lawson
Beth Hull
Melissa Kordsmeier
Kelly Helfrich
Aimee Laflamme
Chris O'Quin
Jack Reed
Reed Simpson
Lena Murfin
Anne Sebourn
Ashley Grimes


Scott Meador, Professor, Mass Commincations and Theatre (who not only video-documented the project, but spent many long hours painting on the mural)

Kerry Tindal, UCA Art Education student who stayed through thick and thin, not getting class credit but wishing to learn this process so that she can replicate it in her work with public schools

Sigma Sigma Sigma: Kyna Hockenberry

President Lou Hardin and Mary Hardin

Russ Hancock, Director of Publications

Dr. Amy Amy, Assistant Professor of Public Relations

Jack Gillean, UCA General Counsel
Tom Courtway, UCA General Counsel

Mike Kemp, University Photographer

Heather Kendrick, UCA Channel 6
Wayne Bailey, UCA Channel 6
David Keith, UCA Chanel 6

Conway Boys and Girls Club:

Mike Neuhoefel and Alley Burke (the teacher-girl in the mural)

Conway Public Schools:

Carl Stuart Midle School/Becky Thornton

Ellen Smith Elementary/Renee Thrash

Julia Lee Moore Elementary/Will Fisher

Ruth Doyle Intermediate/Jessica Peterson

Simon Intermediate/Chris Massingill

Jim Stone Elementary/Mrs. Hammons

Conway West High School/Susanne Kunkel and Carla Owen

Marguerite Vann Elementary/Lori Cullum

Sallie Cone Elementary/Christina Rhye

St. Joseph/Patricia McCauley and Penny Basham

Theodore Jones Elementary/Sally Allinder

Faulkner County Library: Sarah Mattingly

Darragh Construction:

Larry Peale
Logan Moss

Log Cabin Democrat
Carey Tai
Joe Lamb
Akira Horiike

The Echo
Michael Ward
Brittney Newborn
Robert Haynes

The Vino
Kendra Kersh

UCA Magazine
Sonja Keith

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Tammy Keith
Debra Hale-Shelton
Kane Webb

The Conway Community:

Linda Paxton (niece of Florence Mattison)
Bill and Virginia Nutter
Bill Bethea
Gene Hatfield
Bob and Armilda McCormick
Toni Johnson

Thanks to you all for your help, support, and faith in this project.

Until next time-


Morton Brown

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